a project


Enables and configures HTTP request logging (also known as access logs).

The log directive applies to the host/port of the site block it appears in, not any other part of the site address (e.g. path).


log {
	output <writer_module> ...
	format <encoder_module> ...
	level  <level>
  • output configures where to write the logs. See Output modules below. Default: stderr
  • format describes how to encode, or format, the logs. See Format modules below. Default: console if stdout is detected to be a terminal, json otherwise.
  • level is the minimum entry level to log. Default: INFO. Note that access logs currently only emit INFO and ERROR level logs.

Output modules

The output subdirective lets you customize where logs get written. It appears within a log block.


Standard error (console, default).

output stderr


Standard output (console).

output stdout


No output.

output discard


A file. By default, log files are rotated ("rolled") to prevent disk space exhaustion.

output file <filename> {
	roll_size     <size>
	roll_keep     <num>
	roll_keep_for <days>
  • <filename> is the path to the log file.
  • roll_disabled disables log rolling. This can lead to disk space depletion, so only use this if your log files are maintained some other way.
  • roll_size is the size at which to roll the log file. The current implementation supports megabyte resolution; fractional values are rounded up to the next whole megabyte. For example, 1.1MiB is rounded up to 2MiB. Default: 100MiB
  • roll_keep is how many log files to keep before deleting the oldest ones. Default: 10
  • roll_keep_for is how long to keep rolled files as a duration string. The current implementation supports day resolution; fractional values are rounded up to the next whole day. For example, 36h (1.5 days) is rounded up to 48h (2 days). Default: 2160h (90 days)


A network socket. If the socket goes down, it will dump logs to stderr while it attempts to reconnect.

output net <address> {
	dial_timeout <duration>
  • <address> is the address to write logs to.
  • dial_timeout is how long to wait for a successful connection to the log socket. Log emissions may be blocked for up to this long if the socket goes down.

Format modules

The format subdirective lets you customize how logs get encoded (formatted). It appears within a log block.

In addition to the syntax for each individual encoder, these common properties can be set on most encoders:

format <encoder_module> {
	message_key <key>
	level_key   <key>
	time_key    <key>
	name_key    <key>
	caller_key  <key>
	stacktrace_key <key>
	line_ending  <char>
	time_format  <format>
	level_format <format>
  • message_key The key for the message field of the log entry. Default: msg
  • level_key The key for the level field of the log entry. Default: level
  • time_key The key for the time field of the log entry. Default: ts
  • name_key The key for the name field of the log entry (i.e. the name of the logger itself). Default: name
  • caller_key The key for the caller field of the log entry.
  • stacktrace_key The key for the stacktrace field of the log entry.
  • line_ending The line endings to use.
  • time_format The format for timestamps.
  • level_format The format for levels.


The console encoder formats the log entry for human readability while preserving some structure.

format console


Formats each log entry as a JSON object.

format json


⚠️ This format is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.

Writes only a single field from the structure log entry. Useful if one of the fields has all the information you need.

format single_field <field_name>
  • <field_name> is the name of the field whose value to use as the log entry.


Wraps another encoder module, allowing per-field filtering.

format filter {
	wrap <encode_module> ...
	fields {
		<field> <filter> ...

Nested fields can be referenced by representing a layer of nesting with >. In other words, for an object like {"a":{"b":0}}, the inner field can be referenced as a>b.

The following fields are fundamental to the log and cannot be filtered because they are added by the underlying logging library as special cases: ts, level, logger, and msg.

These are the available filters:


Marks a field to be skipped from being encoded.

<field> delete

Marks a field to be replaced with the provided string at encoding time.

<field> replace <replacement>

Masks IP addresses in the field using a CIDR mask, i.e. the number of bytes from the IP to retain, starting from the left side. There is separate configuration for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

<field> ip_mask {
	ipv4 <cidr>
	ipv6 <cidr>


Enable access logging (to the console):


Write logs to a file (with log rolling, which is enabled by default):

log {
	output file /var/log/access.log

Customize log rolling:

log {
	output file /var/log/access.log {
		roll_size 1gb
		roll_keep 5
		roll_keep_for 720h

Use Common Log Format (CLF):

⚠️ The single_field format is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. To encode logs in common log format, please use the format-encoder plugin.

log {
	format single_field common_log

Delete the Authorization request header from the logs:

log {
	format filter {
		wrap console
		fields {
			request>headers>Authorization delete

Mask the remote address from the request, keeping the first 16 bytes (i.e. for IPv4 addresses, and the first 64 bytes from IPv6 addresses, and also deletes the common_log field which would normally contain an unmasked IP address:

log {
	format filter {
		wrap console
		fields {
			common_log delete
			request>remote_addr ip_mask {
				ipv4 24
				ipv6 32