a project


Rewrites the request internally. A rewrite changes some or all of the request URI.

The rewrite directive implies the intent to accept the request, but with modifications. It is mutually exclusive to other rewrite directives in the same block, so it is safe to define rewrites that would otherwise cascade into each other; only the first matching rewrite will be executed.

Because rewrite essentially performs an internal redirect, the Caddyfile adapter will not fold any subsequent, adjacent handlers into the same route if their matchers happen to be exactly the same. This allows the matchers of the next handlers to be deferred until after the rewrite. In other words, a matcher that matches a request before the rewrite might not match the same request after the rewrite. If you want your rewrite to share a route with other handlers, use the route or handle directives.


rewrite [<matcher>] <to>
  • <to> is the URI to set on the request. Only designated parts will be replaced. The URI path is any substring that comes before ?. If ? is omitted, then the whole token is considered to be the path.


Rewrite all requests to foo.html, leaving any query string unchanged:

rewrite * /foo.html

Replace the query string on API requests with a=b, leaving the path unchanged:

rewrite /api/* ?a=b

Preserve the existing query string and add a key-value pair:

rewrite /api/* ?{query}&a=b

Change both the path and query string, preserving the original query string while adding the original path as the p parameter:

rewrite * /index.php?{query}&p={path}

Similar directives

There are other directives that perform rewrites, but imply a different intent or do the rewrite without a complete replacement of the URI:

  • uri manipulates a URI (strip prefix, suffix, or substring replacement).
  • try_files rewrites the request based on the existence of files.